Finishing A Project You're Proud Of...

Finishing A Project You're Proud Of...

Have You Ever Spent A Good Amount Of Time On something ,And You Get This Feeling Of 'Its finally coming together' ?

After I finished building my portfolio ,I Had No real projects to show ,which kinda makes a porfolio website completely useless ,so I knew I had to Get out there and start making real projects.

Goal :

I sat down and started thinking what my goal is and what I wanna build so I made a decision that my goal was to build something complex and at the same time doable and reasonable for someone like me ,so I decided to make an ecommerce website ,with pure vanilla js and it had to be SPA and improve my javascript skills on the way ,which I did but more on that later on.

Tools used :

I started my project Beirut Online with simple HTML CSS JS ,because pretty much all I knew ,but I was convinced that building something like that would need way more than there 3 guys ,so I learnt to give my css superpowers ,i learnt SCSS and I'd say you should do the same ,then I learnt to use vaadin router for client side routing and with it I learnt about Web components and redirecting and all that fun stuff ,after feeling that my components and js files are getting big ,I was afraid of performance issues ,I started with Webpack and learnt everything I had to learn about it to make my project as small as possible which worked out well at the end.

Problems Faced :

Surely no project can go without stress and hardships ,struggled alot with it and with Rendering and the logic of adding items to cart and removing them ,at the end and after putting the time on it I fixed the site and made it useable ,but there was only 1 problem ,the images were too damn big and the website performance after hosting on netlify was pretty bad since it was about 50% and loading took a good amount of time ,So I went on google and on every site that reduces images size without losing quality ,and I can say im Satisfied with the results : project1Pref.JPG.

Final Results

Im proud ,The project is simple and easy to be done for others ,but for me since it was my first real project that I struggled with and had to figure things on my own ,without help from tutorial which I did on my coding journey and I went through what's called tutorial hell. But I did Learn alot and that is just the beginning of me going through obstacles . This project made me start thinking "like a programmer" ,I Had to analyze problems and sit and think about it and find a way to solve this problem ,we all know that the Problem Solving skill is the most important skill a developer should have at all costs. Not to forget that i learnt alot about Git , webpack ,scss ,routing ,hosting ,commenting code ,problem solving and writing clean readable code and many more.